As a locally-owned Maine company, providing excellent customer service and satisfaction is our #1 priority. Our team has a big heart and believes in putting your needs first. No question is too small, no problem is too big, and every customer is very important to us! We’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us any time.

As a locally owned Maine company, providing excellent customer service and satisfaction is our #1 priority. Our team has a big heart and believes in putting your needs first. No question is too small, no problem is too big, and every customer is very important to us! We’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us any time.
Installations By Month
December 2022
Thomaston, Maine
12/7/22 – These customers in Thomaston were looking to reduce their dependency on oil and add an additional source of heat to the dining room of their home. Our team installed a Daikin single-zone heat pump 🙂
Waterville, Maine
12/28/22 – Our team installed a Samsung 15 system to provide supplementary heat and AC to their home in Waterville. Schedule a FREE visit with one of our consultants to learn more 🙂
Waterville, Maine
12/13/22 – This customer was looking add a supplementary source of heating and cooling. Our team installed a Samsung single system heat pump in the small living room of their home in Waterville! 🙂
Waterville, Maine
12/27/22 – Our team installed a Samsung 15 system for this customer in Waterville! They were looking to reduce their dependency on oil, and this highly-efficient heat pump will provide an excellent source of supplementary heating and cooling to help them enjoy their living space all year long!
Thomaston, Maine
12/7/22 – These customers in Thomaston were looking to reduce their dependency on oil and add an additional source of heat to the dining room of their home. Our team installed a Daikin single-zone heat pump 🙂
Waterville, Maine
12/13/22 – This customer in Waterville was looking to reduce their dependency on oil and add an additional source of heat to their home. Our team installed a highly-efficient Daikin multi-system with 2 indoor heads to provide reliable heating even on the coldest Winter nights!
November 2022
Travis Mills Foundation – Mount Vernon, Maine
11/23/22 – Our team installed this Samsung heat pump on a log wall for the Travis Mills Foundation’s Club House! This system will help them to stay warm and comfortable even on the coldest winter days 🙂
Waterville, Maine
11/9/22 – Our team installed a Samsung 15 system for this customer in Waterville! She was looking to reduce dependency on her pellet stove and add an additional source of heat to her home, and this highly-efficient heat pump is professionally sized and positioned to do the trick! 🙂
Rockport, Maine
11/11/22 – This Samsung 15 system was installed for a customer in Rockport to provide additional heat and air conditioning to their primary living space, helping them to live life more comfortably all year long! 🙂
Hallowell, Maine
11/17/22 – This Samsung 15 system was installed to provide an additional source of heat for this customer’s living room in Hallowell 🙂
Belfast, Maine
11/22/22 – Our team installed both Single and Multi-System Samsung heat pumps to provide highly-efficient supplemental heating and cooling to three separate rooms of this customer’s home in Belfast 🙂
Belfast, Maine
11/22/22 – Our team installed both Single and Multi-System Samsung heat pumps to provide highly-efficient supplemental heating and cooling to three separate rooms of this customer’s home in Belfast 🙂
Bangor, Maine
11/15/22 – Our technician, Jared, installed this Samsung 15 heat pump for a customer in Bangor. Not only will this system provide highly-efficient air conditioning in the summer, but it will also help her to reduce oil usage by supplementing the existing heating system in the primary living space! 🙂
Hallowell, Maine
11/17/22 – This Samsung 15 system was installed to provide an additional source of heat for this customer’s living room in Hallowell 🙂
Rockland, Maine
11/21/22 – Our team installed this Samsung 12 system to provide supplementary heat and air conditioning to the living room of this customer’s home in Rockland 🙂
Rockport, Maine
11/11/22 – This Samsung 15 system was installed for a customer in Rockport to provide additional heat and air conditioning to their primary living space, helping them to live life more comfortably all year long! 🙂
Bangor, Maine
11/15/22 – Our technician, Jared, installed this Samsung 15 heat pump for a customer in Bangor. Not only will this system provide highly-efficient air conditioning in the summer, but it will also help her to reduce oil usage by supplementing the existing heating system in the primary living space! 🙂
Belfast, Maine
11/22/22 – Our team installed both Single and Multi-System Samsung heat pumps to provide highly-efficient supplemental heating and cooling to three separate rooms of this customer’s home in Belfast 🙂
Waterville, Maine
11/16/22 – Our team installed this Samsung 9 system at a customer’s home in Waterville! Along with another Samsung 9 unit, these heat pumps will help to provide supplementary heat and air conditioning to the home, reducing their dependency on oil! 🙂
The team here at Hometown Heat Pumps is proud to give away heat pumps, products, discounts, & more to the members of our communities as often as we can. We have had the opportunity to give away a variety of products and services including cash, merchandise, discounts, warranties, cleanings, and several heat pump systems! Most recently, we were able to give away a new heat pump system to a caring veteran, Ronald, and his wife Sharon.
The team here at Hometown Heat Pumps is proud to give away heat pumps, products, discounts, & more to the members of our communities as often as we can. We have had the opportunity to give away a variety of products and services including cash, merchandise, discounts, warranties, cleanings, and several heat pump systems! Most recently, we were able to give away a new heat pump system to a caring veteran, Ronald, and his wife Sharon.

September 2022
Bangor, Maine
9/16/22 – Josh, Chase, & Wayne installed a Samsung Multi-system with 2 indoor heads at this home in Bangor! This customer was referred to us by her son to add an additional source of heating and cooling 🙂
Old Town, Maine
9/16/22 – This Daikin multi-system will provide efficient heating and cooling in two different rooms to help reduce propane usage for this family in Old Town!
Waterville, Maine
9/22/22 – This customer in Waterville was referred to us by their neighbor! Our team installed two Samsung single-system heat pumps to provide supplementary heating and cooling for their home 🙂
Old Town, Maine
9/16/22 – This Daikin multi-system will provide efficient heating and cooling in two different rooms to help reduce propane usage for this family in Old Town!
Waterville, Maine
9/22/22 – This customer in Waterville was referred to us by their neighbor! Our team installed two Samsung single-system heat pumps to provide supplementary heating and cooling for their home 🙂
Burnham, Maine
9/20/22 – These customers are renovating their home in Burnham, and our team installed a Samsung multi-system with indoor units in the dining room and master bedroom. These units will provide highly-efficient heat and air conditioning to help them enjoy their freshly-renovated space all year long! 🙂
Bangor, Maine
9/16/22 – Josh, Chase, & Wayne installed a Samsung Multi-system with 2 indoor heads at this home in Bangor! This customer was referred to us by her son to add an additional source of heating and cooling 🙂
Bangor, Maine
9/16/22 – Josh, Chase, & Wayne installed a Samsung Multi-system with 2 indoor heads at this home in Bangor! This customer was referred to us by her son to add an additional source of heating and cooling 🙂
Burnham, Maine
9/20/22 – These customers are renovating their home in Burnham, and our team installed a Samsung multi-system with indoor units in the dining room and master bedroom. These units will provide highly-efficient heat and air conditioning to help them enjoy their freshly-renovated space all year long! 🙂
Waterville, Maine
9/22/22 – This customer in Waterville was referred to us by their neighbor! Our team installed two Samsung single-system heat pumps to provide supplementary heating and cooling for their home 🙂
Burnham, Maine
9/20/22 – These customers are renovating their home in Burnham, and our team installed a Samsung multi-system with indoor units in the dining room and master bedroom. These units will provide highly-efficient heat and air conditioning to help them enjoy their freshly-renovated space all year long! 🙂
Waterville, Maine
9/14/22 – Our team installed a Samsung 15 system in this customer’s home in Waterville! This system will provide highly-efficient heat and cooling all year long 🙂
Here at Hometown Heat Pumps, we work with homes and businesses to install a safer, cleaner, and more efficient method of heating and cooling. We also perform repairs and maintenance for heat pumps, even if your system wasn’t installed by us! Improve your air quality with our add-on air purifiers, protect your system with a surge protector, or adjust your settings right from your smartphone with a Wi-Fi adapter!
August 2022
Clinton, Maine
8/15/22 – Our team installed a Samsung multi-system for this customer and her son in Clinton! These heat pumps will provide highly-efficient heating and cooling, allowing them to be more comfortable in their bedrooms all year long 🙂
Vassalboro, Maine
8/23/22 – This customer in Vassalboro had our team install a Samsung 15 to provide supplementary heat and AC in their main living space 🙂
Waterville, Maine
8/10/22 – This customer was referred to us by a relative to install a Samsung 15 heat pump in their home! This highly-efficient system will help to reduce propane usage and provide supplemental heating and cooling for the primary living space of their home in Waterville.
Burnham, Maine
8/11/22 – Jared & Brendon installed this Samsung system for these customers right here in Burnham! The built-in Wi-Fi control included with Samsung heat pumps will allow these customers to check in on their heat pump’s operation and energy usage as well as adjust their settings while on-the-go!
China, Maine
8/1/22 – This customer had two outdoor Samsung units installed with a total of 4 indoor heads to provide highly efficient air conditioning and supplementary heat for their rental home near China Lake!
Benton, Maine
8/12/22 – This Daikin Multi-System was installed to provide highly-efficient supplemental heat and air conditioning to two rooms of this customer’s home in Benton.
China, Maine
8/1/22 – This customer had two outdoor Samsung units installed with a total of 4 indoor heads to provide highly efficient air conditioning and supplementary heat for their rental home near China Lake!
Vassalboro, Maine
8/23/22 – This customer in Vassalboro had our team install a Samsung 15 to provide supplementary heat and AC in their main living space 🙂
Unity House of Pizza – Unity, Maine
8/8/2022 – Another great install for Unity House of Pizza! Our team installed a second Daikin system to provide highly efficient heating and cooling in the dining room of this local business 🙂
Unity, Maine
8/18/22 – Jared, Wayne, & Brendon installed this Daikin system for a customer nearby in Unity! This system will replace their propane supplementary heat in the front of their home, helping them to stay more comfortable all year long 🙂
Unity House of Pizza – Unity, Maine
8/8/2022 – Another great install for Unity House of Pizza! Our team installed a second Daikin system to provide highly efficient heating and cooling in the dining room of this local business 🙂
Belfast, Maine
8/9/22 – Chase and Wesley installed this Daikin system for a customer in Belfast! With her existing oil system having issues, she was in need of a reliable, efficient heat source for her primary living space 🙂
Dexter, Maine
8/19/22 – This Samsung 12 system was installed in the family room of this customer’s home in Dexter! The heat pumps that we install are designed for harsh Winter temperatures like those we experience here in Maine, so this family can enjoy the supplementary heat from their heat pump all season long 🙂
West Gardiner, Maine
8/23/22 – Jared installed this Samsung 9 system to provide heat and AC in the dining room of this home in West Gardiner 🙂
Sidney, Maine
7/15/22 – Yet another happy customer! Our team installed this Samsung system to add air conditioning and supplementary heat to this super cool in-home recording studio in Sidney!
Burnham, Maine
8/11/22 – Jared & Brendon installed this Samsung system for these customers right here in Burnham! The built-in Wi-Fi control included with Samsung heat pumps will allow these customers to check in on their heat pump’s operation and energy usage as well as adjust their settings while on-the-go!
Sidney, Maine
8/18/33 – Our team had previously installed a single heat pump for this customer’s master bedroom, and they recently invited us back to install a Samsung multi-system with 3 indoor heads for the other bedrooms and basement of their home in Sidney 🙂
Winthrop, Maine
8/19/22 – Our team installed this Samsung 15 system in a customer’s dining room to provide supplementary heat and air conditioning to the main floor of their home in Winthrop 🙂
Sidney, Maine
8/18/33 – Our team had previously installed a single heat pump for this customer’s master bedroom, and they recently invited us back to install a Samsung multi-system with 3 indoor heads for the other bedrooms and basement of their home in Sidney 🙂
Winthrop, Maine
8/19/22 – Our team installed this Samsung 15 system in a customer’s dining room to provide supplementary heat and air conditioning to the main floor of their home in Winthrop 🙂
China, Maine
8/1/22 – This customer had two outdoor Samsung units installed with a total of 4 indoor heads to provide highly efficient air conditioning and supplementary heat for their rental home near China Lake!
Waterville, Maine
8/10/22 – This customer was referred to us by a relative to install a Samsung 15 heat pump in their home! This highly-efficient system will help to reduce propane usage and provide supplemental heating and cooling for the primary living space of their home in Waterville.
Fayette, Maine
8/5/22 – Jared installed this Samsung 12 system to provide an additional source of heat to the main living space of this customer’s mobile home in Fayette! 🙂
Unity, Maine
8/18/22 – Jared, Wayne, & Brendon installed this Daikin system for a customer nearby in Unity! This system will replace their propane supplementary heat in the front of their home, helping them to stay more comfortable all year long 🙂
Albion, Maine
8/9/22 – Jared and Brendon installed this windfree Samsung 15 system to provide an additional heat source and primary cooling for this home in Albion!
Unity, Maine
8/18/22 – Jared, Wayne, & Brendon installed this Daikin system for a customer nearby in Unity! This system will replace their propane supplementary heat in the front of their home, helping them to stay more comfortable all year long 🙂
Vassalboro, Maine
8/23/22 – This customer in Vassalboro had our team install a Samsung 15 to provide supplementary heat and AC in their main living space 🙂
Albion, Maine
8/9/22 – Jared and Brendon installed this windfree Samsung 15 system to provide an additional heat source and primary cooling for this home in Albion!
Albion, Maine
8/9/22 – Jared and Brendon installed this windfree Samsung 15 system to provide an additional heat source and primary cooling for this home in Albion!
Clinton, Maine
8/15/22 – Our team installed a Samsung multi-system for this customer and her son in Clinton! These heat pumps will provide highly-efficient heating and cooling, allowing them to be more comfortable in their bedrooms all year long 🙂
Albion, Maine
8/22/22 – Jared & Eugene installed this Samsung single-system in a customer’s living room! This system will provide highly-efficient heat for these customers, allowing them to reduce their oil usage and better enjoy their primary living space 🙂
Belfast, Maine
8/9/22 – Chase and Wesley installed this Daikin system for a customer in Belfast! With her existing oil system having issues, she was in need of a reliable, efficient heat source for her primary living space 🙂
China, Maine
8/22/22 – Our team installed this Samsung 15 system in this customer’s living room! This system will provide highly efficient heating and cooling, allowing them to reduce their oil usage and better enjoy their main living space 🙂
July 2022
Smithfield, Maine
7/20/22 – Another happy customer! This customer’s existing heating system was struggling to distribute heat appropriately throughout the home. Our team added this Samsung system to the living room to provide an additional source of heat in that larger, more open area of the home. This will allow them to set their oil heat at a more tolerable temperature for the smaller, more enclosed spaces such as bedrooms 🙂
Carmel, Maine
7/28/22 – Our team donated this Samsung heat pump system to these two girls in need! Many people from the local communities have chipped in to help them out following the loss of their parents, and we’re proud to be in a position to be able to give back to our community. Jared, Brendon, & Wayne did some great work getting the system installed, and these girls will be able to enjoy this highly-efficient heat and ac to help them stay more comfortable in their home all year long 🙂
Bath, Maine
7/21/22 – Our team installed a Daikin multi-zone heat pump with 3 indoor heads for this customer in Bath! With an indoor unit in each bedroom, this customer and her family will stay comfortable all year long with highly-efficient heating and cooling 🙂
Rockland, Maine
7/22/22 – Our team installed a Daikin multi-zone heat pump with 2 indoor heads to supplement the existing propane heating system and provide cooling for the dining room and master bedroom of this customer’s home in Rockland 🙂
Belgrade, Maine
7/4/22 – This customer had two Samsung heat pumps installed by our team to provide heating and cooling for two rooms of their home in Belgrade 🙂
Rockland, Maine
7/22/22 – Our team installed a Daikin multi-zone heat pump with 2 indoor heads to supplement the existing propane heating system and provide cooling for the dining room and master bedroom of this customer’s home in Rockland 🙂
Nobleboro, Maine
7/22/22 – This customer in Nobleboro has had several heat pumps installed by our team! This particular day, our team installed a Samsung 9K system in one of their bedrooms 🙂
Waterville, Maine
7/19/22 – Jared and Wayne installed this Daikin system for a customer in Waterville! Not only will they enjoy highly efficient cooling all summer long, but they will also be able to enjoy the supplemental heat that this system will provide throughout the Winter and shoulder seasons 🙂
Nobleboro, Maine
7/22/22 – This customer in Nobleboro has had several heat pumps installed by our team! This particular day, our team installed a Samsung 9K system in one of their bedrooms 🙂
Newport, Maine
7/12/22 – This customer had our team install two heat pumps to provide supplementary heat and cooling all year long for their home in Newport 🙂
Smithfield, Maine
7/20/22 – Another happy customer! This customer’s existing heating system was struggling to distribute heat appropriately throughout the home. Our team added this Samsung system to the living room to provide an additional source of heat in that larger, more open area of the home. This will allow them to set their oil heat at a more tolerable temperature for the smaller, more enclosed spaces such as bedrooms 🙂
Unity, Maine
7/6/22 – This Samsung system was installed to provide an additional source of heating and cooling for the main living room of this customer’s home in Unity 🙂
Rockland, Maine
7/22/22 – Our team installed a Daikin multi-zone heat pump with 2 indoor heads to supplement the existing propane heating system and provide cooling for the dining room and master bedroom of this customer’s home in Rockland 🙂
Augusta, Maine
7/7/22 – Jared and Eugene installed these two single-system Samsung heat pumps to provide highly efficient, windfree cooling for this customer’s living room and master bedroom. Not only that, but these heat pumps will also serve as an additional heat source to help reduce their oil usage during the shoulder seasons and Winter months 🙂
Truth Baptist Church – Jefferson, ME
7/1/22 – Our team installed three single-system heat pumps at Truth Baptist Church to help their congregation stay more comfortable during services and events all year long! These cold-climate Daikin systems will provide highly-efficient, reliable heating through even the coldest Winter weather 🙂
Carmel, Maine
7/28/22 – Our team donated this Samsung heat pump system to these two girls in need! Many people from the local communities have chipped in to help them out following the loss of their parents, and we’re proud to be in a position to be able to give back to our community. Jared, Brendon, & Wayne did some great work getting the system installed, and these girls will be able to enjoy this highly-efficient heat and ac to help them stay more comfortable in their home all year long 🙂
Spruce Head, Maine
7/18/22 – This customer in Spruce Head was looking to add cooling and supplementary heat to their master bedroom, upstairs living room, and piano room. Our team installed 3 Samsung single-system heat pumps to provide dedicated, reliable coverage in each of those rooms 🙂
China, Maine
7/5/22 – Jared and Brendan worked carefully around this customer’s beautiful garden to install a Daikin single-system heat pump. This system will provide highly efficient heating and cooling to the dining room of this home in China 🙂
Thomaston, Maine
12/7/22 – These customers in Thomaston were looking to reduce their dependency on oil and add an additional source of heat to the dining room of their home. Our team installed a Daikin single-zone heat pump 🙂
Augusta, Maine
7/5/22 – This Samsung 15 system will provide highly-efficient heating and air conditioning in the living room of this home in Augusta; these customers and their pups can enjoy powerful cooling without cold drafts thanks to Samsung’s unique Windfree technology 🙂
Carmel, Maine
7/28/22 – Our team donated this Samsung heat pump system to these two girls in need! Many people from the local communities have chipped in to help them out following the loss of their parents, and we’re proud to be in a position to be able to give back to our community. Jared, Brendon, & Wayne did some great work getting the system installed, and these girls will be able to enjoy this highly-efficient heat and ac to help them stay more comfortable in their home all year long 🙂
Newport, Maine
7/12/22 – This customer had our team install two heat pumps to provide supplementary heat and cooling all year long for their home in Newport 🙂
China, Maine
7/5/22 – Jared and Brendan worked carefully around this customer’s beautiful garden to install a Daikin single-system heat pump. This system will provide highly efficient heating and cooling to the dining room of this home in China 🙂
Bath, Maine
7/21/22 – Our team installed a Daikin multi-zone heat pump with 3 indoor heads for this customer in Bath! With an indoor unit in each bedroom, this customer and her family will stay comfortable all year long with highly-efficient heating and cooling 🙂
Winslow, Maine
7/15/22 – Our team helped this customer add value to their property and reduce oil usage by installing a Daikin Heat Pump! This system will provide highly efficient heat and air conditioning for the basement apartment of this beautiful home in Winslow 🙂
Whitefield, Maine
12/7/22 – These customers in Whitefield were looking for a reliable source of heat that could also replace their old air conditioning system. This highly-efficient Samsung heat pump will provide highly-efficient heating and cooling to help them stay comfortable all year long! 🙂
Madison, Maine
7/5/22 – This Samsung 15 system will provide windfree cooling and highly-efficient heating for this customer’s living room in Madison 🙂
Waterville, Maine
7/6/22 – These customers in Waterville had a Samsung Single 15 system installed in their main living space to help them stay more comfortable and cut back on oil usage 🙂
Winslow, Maine
7/15/22 – Our team helped this customer add value to their property and reduce oil usage by installing a Daikin Heat Pump! This system will provide highly efficient heat and air conditioning for the basement apartment of this beautiful home in Winslow 🙂
West Gardiner, Maine
7/6/22 – This customer in West Gardiner requested an additional source of heat and cooling to increase his comfort level on the main floor of his home. This Samsung system is one of two single-system heat pumps installed by our team to provide reliable, efficient heating and cooling all year long 🙂
Bath, Maine
7/21/22 – Our team installed a Daikin multi-zone heat pump with 3 indoor heads for this customer in Bath! With an indoor unit in each bedroom, this customer and her family will stay comfortable all year long with highly-efficient heating and cooling 🙂
Belgrade, Maine
7/4/22 – This customer had two Samsung heat pumps installed by our team to provide heating and cooling for two rooms of their home in Belgrade 🙂
Winslow, Maine
7/15/22 – Our team helped this customer add value to their property and reduce oil usage by installing a Daikin Heat Pump! This system will provide highly efficient heat and air conditioning for the basement apartment of this beautiful home in Winslow 🙂
Sidney, Maine
7/15/22 – Yet another happy customer! Our team installed this Samsung system to add air conditioning and supplementary heat to this super cool in-home recording studio in Sidney!
China, Maine
7/5/22 – Jared and Brendan worked carefully around this customer’s beautiful garden to install a Daikin single-system heat pump. This system will provide highly efficient heating and cooling to the dining room of this home in China 🙂
West Gardiner, Maine
7/6/22 – This customer in West Gardiner requested an additional source of heat and cooling to increase his comfort level on the main floor of his home. This Samsung system is one of two single-system heat pumps installed by our team to provide reliable, efficient heating and cooling all year long 🙂
Augusta, Maine
7/7/22 – Jared and Eugene installed these two single-system Samsung heat pumps to provide highly efficient, windfree cooling for this customer’s living room and master bedroom. Not only that, but these heat pumps will also serve as an additional heat source to help reduce their oil usage during the shoulder seasons and Winter months 🙂
Unity, Maine
7/6/22 – This Samsung system was installed to provide an additional source of heating and cooling for the main living room of this customer’s home in Unity 🙂
Truth Baptist Church – Jefferson, ME
7/1/22 – Our team installed three single-system heat pumps at Truth Baptist Church to help their congregation stay more comfortable during services and events all year long! These cold-climate Daikin systems will provide highly-efficient, reliable heating through even the coldest Winter weather 🙂
Augusta, Maine
7/5/22 – This Samsung 15 system will provide highly-efficient heating and air conditioning in the living room of this home in Augusta; these customers and their pups can enjoy powerful cooling without cold drafts thanks to Samsung’s unique Windfree technology 🙂
Waterville, Maine
7/6/22 – These customers in Waterville had a Samsung Single 15 system installed in their main living space to help them stay more comfortable and cut back on oil usage 🙂
Bath, Maine
7/21/22 – Our team installed a Daikin multi-zone heat pump with 3 indoor heads for this customer in Bath! With an indoor unit in each bedroom, this customer and her family will stay comfortable all year long with highly-efficient heating and cooling 🙂
Unity, Maine
7/20/22 – This Samsung 15 system was installed to join 3 other indoor units in providing whole-home heating for this double-wide mobile home in Unity 🙂
Winslow, Maine
7/15/22 – Our team helped this customer add value to their property and reduce oil usage by installing a Daikin Heat Pump! This system will provide highly efficient heat and air conditioning for the basement apartment of this beautiful home in Winslow 🙂
Thomaston, Maine
12/7/22 – These customers in Thomaston were looking to reduce their dependency on oil and add an additional source of heat to the dining room of their home. Our team installed a Daikin single-zone heat pump 🙂
Unity, Maine
7/20/22 – This Samsung 15 system was installed to join 3 other indoor units in providing whole-home heating for this double-wide mobile home in Unity 🙂
Smithfield, Maine
7/20/22 – Another happy customer! This customer’s existing heating system was struggling to distribute heat appropriately throughout the home. Our team added this Samsung system to the living room to provide an additional source of heat in that larger, more open area of the home. This will allow them to set their oil heat at a more tolerable temperature for the smaller, more enclosed spaces such as bedrooms 🙂
Contact Us
Have a question, want to schedule a free in-home consultation with one of our expert Design Consultants, or do you need some help with your heat pump? Fill out one of these forms below and we'll get back to you! If you do not hear from us, please check your spam folder or call our facility!

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